Produce Portraits

In today’s algorithm-driven world, whether acknowledged or not, our lives are increasingly shaped by the images that flood our social media feeds. Confronted with this reality, I questioned whether it was possible to disrupt the uniformity. Could a distinct set of images, inspired by the aesthetics of Vermeer, Rembrandt, and other Dutch Masters, alter the algorithm’s course and become a resting place for our eyes?

Through a series of portraits of produce, meticulously styled and with lighting influenced by these classical artists, I embarked on a journey to explore this notion, initially hoping to provoke a shift in the algorithmic patterns. I soon realized the challenge was greater than anticipated. Yet, this project evolved into a quest in search of the perfect subject - mushrooms who appear to be gathering for a family reunion or a beet reminiscent of our favorite quirky little cousin.

With each perfectly crafted scene, I found that our food ceased to be mere ingredients; they assumed personas of their own. This endeavor then became less about challenging algorithms and more about discovering the hidden narratives and personalities one can find when open to the possibilities of their imagination.